Focus on your game. We'll handle the tech.

Unity continuously evolves so you can focus on what matters most: making games! With Unity, you can increase team productivity, optimize studio resources, build and deploy for multiple platforms, and launch your game sooner.

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Unity enables you to...

Fully develop your game end-to-end

Unity supports you throughout the entire game cycle: from development and deployment to marketing, monetization and optimization. You focus on the game and we take care of the rest.

Stay ahead with continuous innovation

Our 1000+ engineering team keeps you ahead of the curve, continually bringing new tools, workflows and bug fixes to support your entire production.

Deploy across multiple platforms

Target and optimize content for 30+ platforms, including Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Oculus, Wii and more.

Connect with the world’s leading content creators

Unity has the largest and most active gamedev community in the world. Millions of artists, developers and other creators use our forums, blogs, and Unity Connect to meet, post questions, and share knowledge and assets.

Create beautiful art

Unity is ideal for artists, including non-technical ones. Tools like Timeline and Cinemachine help you tell your story, while features like the Visual Effect Graph, Shader Graph, and Photogrammetry tools let you perfect your visuals.

Optimize resources

Upskill your team with Unity self-paced courses and in-person workshops to reduce time hiring and onboarding. “Unity Developer” is the 7th-fastest growing job in the US, according to LinkedIn’s 2017 Emerging Jobs Report.

Trusted by the top game studios in the world

Zynga EA Kabam ustwo Studio MDHR Ubisoft Glu Mimimi

In the last 12 months, here's what we've added to Unity

Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know

Lightweight Render Pipeline

The Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) delivers high performance for lower-end hardware, resource-hungry applications like XR, and platforms such as mobile.

LWRP improves performance by reducing the amount of drawcalls, overdraw, and bandwidth of your game. Lights are shaded in batches. In some cases, the pipeline can avoid a depth pre-pass. Rendering is done in a way to minimize the cost of reading and writing to the main device memory.

LWRP is currently supported on all VR platforms.

2D world-building tools (Sprite Shape/Tilemap)

2D world-building tools (Sprite Shape/Tilemap)

Sprite Shape gives you the freedom to create rich freeform 2D environments directly within Unity and decorate them as you see fit, with a visual and intuitive workflow. The tool dynamically tiles Sprites along spline paths based on a given set of angle ranges.

Using Tilemaps, you can quickly lay out and create 2D levels using a combination of Sprites and have control over properties such as layer ordering, tilemap colliders, animated tiles and more. Whether you’re making a square-tiled, hex or isometric-tiled game, tilemap is ready for you.

2D Graphics

2D Graphics

Pixel Perfect makes it easy for you to achieve a perfect retro look across different resolutions on a wide range of devices, and 2D animation provides Sprite rigging and skeletal animation workflows. Some recently added 2D animation tools include:

  • Pixel Perfect Camera
  • 2D Animation (with 2D PSD importer)
  • 2D IK (inverse kinematics)
SVG Preview Release 2

Vector graphics

The Vector Graphics importer allows you to use SVG files for your Sprites, providing many advantages for your mobile games such as lighter Sprites, sharp images regardless of the device resolution, and easier production because you don’t have to worry about the output resolution of your Sprites.

ARM64, Metal 2, Vulkan and more

ARM64, Metal 2, Vulkan and more

Support for the latest graphics APIs and mobile optimization:

  • Vulkan is a next-generation graphics and compute API that provides high-efficiency, cross-platform access to modern GPUs used in a wide variety of devices from PCs and consoles to mobile phones and embedded platforms.
  • ARM64-bit provides you with performance benefits because 64-bit Android apps and your games will be able to address more than 4GB of memory space.
  • Metal 2 now works with the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) and LWRP.
  • Memory Profiler is a unified solution to profile any project size and provides actionable information to optimize performance.
  • The Addressable Asset System makes a much smaller app download by requesting assets at runtime as they are needed.
Create massive game worlds with Unity’s Entity Component System (ECS)

Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS)

DOTS delivers “Performance by default,” which makes it possible for your game to fully utilize the latest multicore processors without the heavy programming headache. Your games will run faster, there’ll be fewer bugs to fix, and your mobile players and their devices will benefit too. DOTS includes the following features:

  • The C# Job System for running multithreaded code efficiently.
  • The Entity Component System (ECS) for writing high-performance code by default.
  • The Burst Compiler for producing highly optimized native code.
Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know

Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP)

SRP enables you to tailor the rendering process to your target platforms in order to optimize game performance for specific hardware.

It also allows you to take full advantage of the power of modern hardware and GPUs without having to digest millions of lines of code.

Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know

DCC integration

Unity offers several features for seamless DCC integration:

  • The Model Importer preserves the properties of Physical Cameras exported from Autodesk® Maya® and other compatible DCCs.
  • Cameras in Unity perfectly match cameras in other DCCs without the need for additional components or manual FOV calculation.
  • Our Recorder feature allows you to record and export animation clips (via FBX) to your favorite DCC applications.
  • Seamless asset import between products like 3ds Max and Maya and Unity. You can safely merge your project changes between platforms due to better-connected workflows.
Scriptable Render Pipeline: What You Need To Know

Cinematics (Timeline/Cinemachine)

With Cinemachine’s suite of smart cameras, you’ll never need to animate cameras again. Instead, you can focus all your creative energies on framing the action beautifully.

Cinemachine automates camera behaviors and dynamically triggers the best shots based on scene composition and interaction. The result is the best shot at the best time, without painful tweaks and reworking.

Timeline gives you the power to create gorgeous cinematic content, cutscenes, and gameplay sequences.

Cinemachine Tutorial #1 - Basics

Shader Graph

Shader Graph enables you to build shaders visually. Instead of writing code, you can create and connect nodes in a graph network. Each node in the graph gives instant feedback on the changes, and its ease of use means that even new users can be involved in shader creation.

Additional services to power up your game

Unity is an end-to-end game platform that enables you to create, optimize, and monetize your game. Our complete range of services provides all the expertise you need to make successful games.


Game Server Hosting by Multiplay

Take the hassle out of hosting your game. Multiplay is the most scalable and resilient game server hosting solution, backed by premium support and expert consultancy services. From innovative indies to blockbuster titles like Apex Legends, PUBG and Rocket League, studios around the world benefit from Multiplay’s flexible infrastructure, orchestration technology that scales with your game, and our 24/7/365 expert support team.

Whether you’ve got an existing title or you’re launching something new, we’d love to help.

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Voice and Text Comms by VIVOX

Vivox is the most powerful voice and text communication solution, for your game. Trusted by the industry’s leading titles – like Fortnite, PUBG, League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege – to deliver the best player experience and drive player engagement. Vivox an easily integrated and managed hosted solution that works with any engine and any platform.

Vivox’s SDK is easy to implement at any stage of your game development and free to up to 5,000 PCU.

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Maximize learning. Minimize downtime.

Whether you’re creating real-time 3D content for games, VR, film, AEC, automotive or another industry, keeping your team’s skills up to date is absolutely essential to maintaining a competitive edge. From online, self-paced courses to in-person expert training, accelerate your team’s learning with Unity’s authorized, high-quality learning and training solutions, wherever and whenever they need it.

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Revolutionary mobile game monetization

With Unity, you’re guaranteed end-to-end success with quick ad integration and full auction support for the formats that deliver the highest eCPMs such as rewarded video, playables, and AR.

Purpose-built for the leading mobile game platform, the Unity Monetization SDK makes it easier than ever to get started. Whether you’re running ads, IAP, Personalized Placements or any combination, see what you can do with our most comprehensive SDK to date, and how you can get up and running as quickly as possible.

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User acquisition

Acquire the most valuable players

User acquisition (UA) is essential for scaling your game – and it’s important to spend your marketing budget effectively. Unity’s targeting, machine learning, tools, and expertise in mobile advertising will enable you to acquire the most valuable users and grow your game at scale.

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Customer Success Services: the guidance and expertise you need to succeed

Unity knows first-hand how challenging it can be to bring big ideas to market. So being able to access the right resources at the right time to support your business objectives can be absolutely critical to your company’s success and its ability to stay ahead of the curve. Our Customer Success Services help you close knowledge or capacity gaps and benefit from the full power of Unity’s platform.

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Customer Success Services: the guidance and expertise you need to succeed.

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Request a free trial to connect with the Unity community and start creating world-class game experiences. You can also arrange an in-person demo with one of our Gaming experts.

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